Knowledge base
How to schedule a backup job or backup tag to run at system shutdown
This article explains how to schedule a backup job or backup tag to run at system shutdown.
Restoring a backup from CD/DVD/Blu-ray to another computer
This article shows you how to restore a backup from a CD/DVD/Blu-ray to another computer.
How to protect your data against WannaCry or other ransomware attack
WannaCry is a new type of ransomware attack that infects all the computers in a network and encrypts all data files on each computer. Users should be aware of the risks and should also know the way to protect against malicious Win32/WannaCrypt software attack. If the computer is infected, the user is asked to pay a price in order to access the operating system again. It’s better to prevent the infection than to pay the ransom.
How to force Backup4all to copy again some missing files in destination
There could be cases when the user deletes by mistake some files in backup destination, or if the files are corrupt.
How to backup on two external drives using the daily rotation scheme
This article explains how to backup on two external drives using the daily rotation scheme. You can use the mirror backup type to create an image of the source files or you can create zipped backups using incremental, differential and full backup types.
Automatically run a backup when the USB drive is plugged in
This article shows how to configure the Portable edition of Backup4all installed on a flash drive, to run a specific backup job or a backup group when you plug in the flash drive. Backup4all can be configured to run a specific job/group when the flash drive is plugged in.
Backup strategy: scheduled backup and cleanup operations
This backup strategy consists of the following operations: performing incremental backups each day Monday through Thursday, performing differential backups each week on Friday, performing cleanup operations (to erase incrementals) each week on Friday, performing full backups in the last Saturday of the month, performing cleanup operations (to erase differentials) in the last Saturday of the month
Backup strategy: scheduled daily differential backups and weekly full backups
This step by step video presentation explains how to set up a backup schedule that ensures an adequate protection for a daily work routine.
Backup strategy: run a full backup locally and subsequent incrementals to FTP
When performing a large incremental backup to an FTP destination, it may take a lot of time for the first backup to complete (because the first backup is a full backup so all files will be included in it). If you have physical access to the FTP destination server, it takes less time to run the first backup locally, move the backup file to the FTP, and after that continue doing the incremental backups directly to the FTP destination. This article will explain how to perform this backup.