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You are viewing 5 articles with the tag "backup group"
View all articles (reset filter)What are Backup operators?
A backup operator is an user that can back up and restore the computer regardless of file system security. A member of the Backup Operators group can extract files and directories for which the user would normally not have access.
How to use the Scheduler
This article explains how to schedule backup jobs in Backup4all. A scheduler can be set for a backup to be executed automatically at certain time intervals (daily, weekly, monthly) or at system startup, logon, when idle or shutdown.
How to schedule all jobs?
This article describes how to schedule a task that will back-up all the jobs. You can use the option which was created for that in Scheduler Properties.
How to change the backup job name, tag or icon
This article will show you how to change the backup job's name, tag or icon. All these 3 items can be changed from the same location if you open Backup Properties (Ctrl+P) and go to the General page. This page defines the appearance of the backup jobs in the backup list.
Automatically run a backup when the USB drive is plugged in
This article shows how to configure the Portable edition of Backup4all installed on a flash drive, to run a specific backup job or a backup group when you plug in the flash drive. Backup4all can be configured to run a specific job/group when the flash drive is plugged in.