252 free backup plugins are currently available. You can load these in Backup4all to back-up specific apps and data sets easier. These plugins are free and can be used only in Backup4all.
You can create your own backup plugins by downloading the Plugin Creator.
Backup plugins
Trillian is a multi-messenger application that lets you access various instant messaging (Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger), email (i.e. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail) and social accounts (Facebook, Twitter) from a single place. With the help of this plugin you will be able to back-up the following Trillian information: accounts, logs, skins and plugins.
MailWasher Pro
MailWasher is a spam blocker software that will make it easier to go through your emails without having to manually delete spam programs. The plugin for Mailwasher will allow backing up this programs' settings, configurations, logs and registry keys.
This multimedia tool provides video editing and authoring, such as multi-track editing, adding special effects and keyframe controls and many other editing features. The backup plugin will back-up Nero Vision settings, languages and .ini files.
Auto Correct is a voice-over-ip (VOIP) program that allows millions of users to communicate via voice and video chat. This plugin will allow backing up Auto Correct user files and registry.
Window Washer
This is another product developed by Webroot, and it lets users erase browser history, clean free space, shred files and protect critical computer files. The plugin will allow defining a backup job in Backup4all to save Window Washer configurations and registry keys.
DigiGuide is a digital TV guide in the UK. Digiguide creates TV guides which cut through the clutter and which are customised to your tastes and needs.
Kerio Firewall
Kerio Firewall was a program that protected computers from hacker attacks and also allowed the control of outgoing communications. Rebranded as the Sunbelt Personal Firewall, this product was discountinued in May 2011. However if you still use it our plugin will let you back-up language packs, logs, configurations, quarantine and plugins.
Eudora is an email client for Windows and MAC operating systems. Until 2010 this was a proprietary program, but now is an open source email client based on Mozilla's Thunderbird. The backup plugin is valid for Eudora version 7.x, so not for the open source edition. It will allow backing up Eudora email, settings and contacts.
Office Templates
This plugin will allow adding as backup sources only Microsoft Office template files, such as: .potm, .dot, .dotx, .dotm, .xltm, .xltx, .xsn.
Spy Sweeper
Spy Sweeper is a software product developed by Webroot that contains an antivirus, antispyware and internet security components, to protect your computer from viruses and other threats. Download and install this plugin to back-up Spy Sweeper settings, logs, data and registry keys.
Windows Live Messenger
MSN is Microsoft's portal, offering MSNBC News, sports, MSN Money, games, videos, entertainment & celebrity gossip, weather, shopping and other content, as well as Windows Live services such as Hotmail and Messenger.
One Click iPod Video Converter
This plugin will back-up One Click iPod Video Converter settings, configurations and exported video files.
eMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing application for Microsoft Windows that offers direct exchanges between clients, corrupted download recovery and an upload credit system. This backup plugin will back-up eMule related information such as configurations, logs, skins and temp files.
AVG is a free popular antivirus that scans and removes viruses from your computer. There are two editions available, the plugins is for the free edition and will back-up the AVG vault (where detected threats are kept), logs, data files and registry
CuteFTP is a commercial FTP client that lets you connect to any FTP/SFTP server to upload or download files and folders. Once installed this plugin will allow defining a backup job to back-up CuteFTP configurations and registry keys.
Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets.
Sage ACT
Sage ACT! is used to keep track of client and prospect details in a single database that can be shared by multiple users. This plugin will allow backing up Sage ACT! user files, plugins, templates, tools and registry.
Snagit is a program developed by Techsmith that lets users take screen captures, add various effects and manage the resulting images. This plugin backs up Snagit settings, registry, user files and captures
BitComet is a program that can be used as a download manager but also as a BitTorrent P2P file-sharing application to exchange files and folders with other users in the network. This plugin will back-up Bitcomet settings, shared folder, favorites, rules and torrents list.
Music files
If you keep you music files in My Documents folder you can use the plugin to back up your files
Maxthon is a free web browser for Microsoft Windows that started as an improved version of Internet Explorer. The browser is now at version 3, so this backup plugin will work only with previous versions. With its help you can back-up Maxthon2 profiles, settings, skins, languages, filters, plugins and configurations.
SpybotSD is an open source anti-malware program that will scan your computer and clean any adaware programs. It automatically downloads a list of malware definitions and based on that will recognize any threats. This plugin once installed in Backup4all will back-up settings, logs, backups, skins and language packs for Spybot
Ad-aware SE Personal
Ad-aware was one of the first programs to allow scanning the computer in search of adware/spyware and remove those threats. The Personal edition is a free version, and the plugin is designed for it. With this plugin you can easily define a backup job that will back-up Ad-Aware SE Personal skins, languages, plugins and spyware definitions.
MS Office files
This plugin will allow adding as backup sources only Microsoft Office files, such as: xlsx, doc, docx, xls, onepkg, ppt, pptx, pptm, docm, rtf, xlsx, xlsb, accdb and pub.
Image files
If you keep you image files in My Documents, you can use this plugin to back up your image files