On the last page of the New Backup Wizard, you can choose When to run the backup.
Scheduler - When do you want to backup?
How often?
From the drop-down list, you can select one of the available option:
- Manually - the backup job will be started manually by the user
- Daily - the backup job will be started daily at its scheduled time
- Weekly - the backup job will be started weekly at its scheduled time
- Monthly - the backup job will be started monthly at its scheduled time
- Shutdown - the backup job will be started at the computer shutdown
By default, the selected option is Manually.
What day?
This field is activated only when the Weekly or Monthly option is selected in the How often list.
If the Weekly option is selected, you can choose the day of the week when to run the backup.
If the Monthly option is selected, you can choose the day number of the month when to run the backup.
What hour?
From this field, you can select the hour for the backup job to start.
Email - Do you want to receive email notifications?
Configure SMTP - if the SMTP server is not yet configured in Backup4all, press this button to open File->Options->Email window.
Select Yes to enable the configuration options, or leave No selected if you don't want to receive email notifications.
Send emails to - enter the email address where notification emails will be sent. If you want to use multiple addresses, please enter them separated by a comma (",").
Attach log file to email - if this option is selected, the log file will be attached to notification email.
Compress the log file - selecting this option will also compress the log file before attaching it to email.