You can activate Statistics view by:
- pressing the Statistics button from the Jobs tab
- pressing the F3 keyboard shortcut

This view provides statistical information about the last backup performed and calculates statistics about the next backup, based on the current backup job configuration.
Information list:
Last backup on
Date and time of the last backup
Last backup type
Shows the last backup type executed
Last backup duration
Shows the duration of the last backup execution
Last backup size
Shows the size of the last backup (compressed) / size of all files present in backup (uncompressed) / compression percentage
Last full backup on (not displayed for mirror backup type)
The date and time when the last full backup was executed. Note that the first backup is always a full backup, even if the backup type is set to incremental or differential.
Last full backup duration (not displayed for mirror backup type)
Shows the duration of the last full backup execution
Last full backup size (not displayed for mirror backup type)
Shows the size of the last full backup (compressed) / size of all files present in backup (uncompressed) / compression percentage.
For example 10 MB/30 MB/33% means that the size of the last full backup was 10 MB, the uncompressed size of the files backed up was 30 MB and the compression ratio was 33%.
Total size of backup (not displayed for mirror backup type)
Total size of the backup takes into consideration all backup increments, ".bkc" file and any folders that might have been created. It shows the total size after compression / without compression / compression percentage For mirror backup the compressed values are not shown, because there is no compression.
Number of backups
Number of times the backup job was executed
Last backup status
Displays the following information:
- Last backup was successful when everything went OK
- Last backup failed when the backup was aborted due to an error
- Last backup had <X> warnings when the backup was done, but <X> files could not be backed up
- Last backup was canceled when the user canceled the backup execution
Files/folders in backup
Shows the number of files in the backup. The number between the brackets is for the files added at the last backup. For full backup the number of files added to the last backup will be always the same with the total number of files. The same for mirror backup without the Fast mirror option activated.
Next scheduled backup
Date and time when the backup is scheduled to be executed again
Next scheduled tag backup
Date and time when the backup tag is scheduled to be executed again.
Statistics for next backup :
The Calculate Statistics for Next Backup (Ctrl+F5) button will start counting the new, modified, unchanged and excluded files since the last backup execution. The counters will be shown in the labels below, divided into two sections: Files to backup containing the counters for the files that will be added to the next backup, and Changes since last backup containing the counters for the files changed since the last backup. For a large number of files, counting can be time consuming. If you want to stop the counting process press the Cancel button from the toolbar. Calculate Statistics for Next Backup (Ctrl+F5) uses the catalog file (".bkc"). If this catalog is on a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc and you enter a previous backup version, the counters will be different. Files to backup counters are calculated depending on the backup job settings: backup type, <Clear backup> action etc. Changes since last backup counters are always the same no matter the backup job settings.
Files/Folders to backup
For full and differential backup types these counters are calculated based on the changes since the last full backup.For the incremental backup type, the counts are based on the changes since the last backup (differential, full or incremental).
New files/folders
The number of new files/folders that will be added to backup. For mirror backup (with the Fast mirror option unchecked), the new files/folders counter equals the total number of files/folders.
Unchanged files/folders
Shows the number of unchanged files/folders to be added to backup. For differential, incremental and mirror backup with Fast mirror option unchecked, this number will always be 0.
Modified files/folders
Shows the number of modified files/folders to be added to backup. For mirror backup (with the "Fast mirror" option unchecked), this number will always be 0.
Excluded files/folders
Shows the number of excluded files/folders, which will be removed from the backup.
Changes since last backup
Counts the changes since the last backup, regardless of the backup settings
New files/folders
Shows the number of new files/folders since last backup.
Unchanged files/folders
Shows the number of unchanged files/folders since last backup.
Modified files/folders
Shows the number of modified files/folders since last backup.
Excluded files/folders
Shows the number of excluded files/folders. A file/folder gets excluded because of the changes in file/folder filter or because it was deleted or moved from the backup sources.
Total files/folders to backup
Shows the total number of files and folders that will be added to backup next time. This should be the sum of the new, modified and unchanged file and folder counters.
Total size (uncompressed) to backup
Shows the sum of all file sizes to be included in the backup next time it is executed.
Free disk space on destination
Shows the available free disk space on the destination drive.