Backup4all Professional edition has the email notification feature, which allows you to send emails after each action (backup/test/cleanup) executed on a backup job.
The email can be sent no matter the action results or selectively, when the performed action finishes with success, warnings or errors.
You can also select a custom email template for each action type and status. A text file example template for each action type can be found in the Backup4all installation folder: SuccessFullMail.txt, WarningFullMail.txt etc.
Since version 5 of Backup4all you can also send HTML notification emails. Those can be also customized using the variables bellow and also using different tags and css classes.
If you want to create a customized email to be sent (on success/warning/error), the email template will have to include special tags that Backup4all will recognize and replace according to the description (note that the format of the tag must be <#tag_name>):
- <#BACKUP_NAME> - will insert the name of the executed backup job
- <#GROUP_NAME> - will insert the name of the backup tag
- <#SOURCES> - will insert the sources of the executed backup
- <#DEST_DRIVE> - will insert the destination drive letter
- <#DEST_DRIVE_TYPE> - will insert the destination drive type
- <#DEST_FOLDER> - will insert the name of the destination folder
- <#DEST_CATALOG_FILE> - will insert the name of the catalog file created
- <#BACKUP_TYPE> - will insert the backup type that was performed
- <#SCHED_NEXT_EXECUTION> - will insert the next scheduled execution
- <#SCHED_NEXT_TAG_EXECUTION> - will insert the next scheduled tag execution
- <#BACKUP_START_TIME> - will insert the start time of the backup executed
- <#BACKUP_END_TIME> - will insert the end time of the backup executed
- <#TEST_START_TIME> - will insert the start time of test
- <#TEST_END_TIME> - will insert end time of test
- <#LAST_BACKUP_SIZE_COMPR> - will insert the resulted size of the last backup
- <#TOTAL_BACKUP_SIZE> - will insert the total backup size
- <#REMAINING_DISC_SPACE> - will insert the remaining space on the destination drive
- <#NBR_FILES_ADDED> - will insert the number of files added to the backup
- <#SIZE_FILE_ADDED> - will insert the size of the added files
- <#NBR_FILE_WARNINGS> - will insert the number of warnings
- <#NBR_ERRORS> - will insert the number of errors
- <#LAST_LOG_NAME> - will insert the name of the last log file
- <#EXCLUDED_SOURCES> - will insert the list of sources excluded
- <#TESTED_VERSIONS> - will insert the list of tested backup numbers
- <#TEST_SUMMARY> - will insert the detailed list of test backup numbers
- <#REMOVED_VERSIONS> - will insert the list of backups removed after cleanup
- <#CLEANUP_SUMMARY> - will insert the detailed list of backup numbers removed
- <#CLEANUP_START_TIME> - will insert the start time of cleanup
- <#CLEANUP_END_TIME> - will insert the end time of cleanup
- <#PROCESSED_SIZE> - will insert the total size of the files removed
In the custom email you can use the Backup4all specific variables and the Windows environmental variables. Here is a list of the environment variables:
Variable | Windows Vista/Windows 7/8/8.1/10 |
%APPDATA% | C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming |
%COMPUTERNAME% | {computername} |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% | C:\Program Files\Common Files |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% | C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files |
%COMSPEC% | C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe |
%HOMEPATH% | \Users\{username} |
%LOCALAPPDATA% | C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local |
%LOGONSERVER% | \\{domainlogonserver} |
%PATH% | C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;{plus program paths} |
%PATHEXT% | .com;.exe;.bat;.cmd;.vbs;.vbe;.js;.jse;.wsf;.wsh;.msc |
%PROGRAMDATA% | %SystemDrive%\ProgramData |
%PROGRAMFILES% | %SystemDrive%\Program Files |
%PROGRAMFILES(X86)% | %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version) |
%PROMPT% | Code for current command prompt format. Code is usually $P$G |
%PSModulePath% | %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ |
%PUBLIC% | %SystemDrive%\Users\Public |
{Drive}:\$Recycle.Bin | C:\$Recycle.Bin |
%SystemDrive% | C: |
%SystemRoot% | %SystemDrive%\Windows |
%TEMP% and %TMP% | %SystemDrive%\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp |
%USERDOMAIN% | {userdomain} |
%USERNAME% | {username} |
%USERPROFILE% | %SystemDrive%\Users\{username} |
%WINDIR% | %SystemDrive%\Windows |
Variable | Windows Vista/Windows XP |
%ALLUSERSPROFILE% and %PROGRAMDATA% | C:\Documents and Settings\All Users |
%APPDATA% | C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data |
%COMPUTERNAME% | {computername} |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES% | C:\Program Files\Common Files |
%COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)% | C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files |
%COMSPEC% | C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe |
%HOMEPATH% | \Documents and Settings\{username} |
%LOGONSERVER% | \\{domainlogonserver} |
%PATH% | C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;{plus program paths} |
%PROGRAMFILES% | %SystemDrive%\Program Files |
%PROGRAMFILES(X86)% | %SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86) (only in 64-bit version) |
%PROMPT% | Code for current command prompt format. Code is usually $P$G |
{Drive}:\$Recycle.Bin | C:\Recycle.Bin |
%SystemDrive% | C: |
%SystemRoot% | The Windows directory, usually C:\Windows, formerly C:\WINNT |
%TEMP% and %TMP% | %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Temp |
%USERDOMAIN% | {userdomain} |
%USERNAME% | {username} |
%USERPROFILE% | %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\{username} |
%WINDIR% | %SystemDrive%\Windows |
If no email template is selected, the default one is used.
Backup4all 4.x - 8.x