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Activation - Frequently Asked Questions

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This article applies only to Backup4all. If you don't have it yet, you must download it first.

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Feb 16, 2022
Backup4all 6.x and higher
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This section contains answers for frequent questions regarding the activation process of Backup4all. For a tutorial on how to activate please see this article instead: <>

On this page:

Why do I receive “Activation error"?

There are several possible causes. Here are the additional messages you might get and the explanations:
  • Invalid registration key – that means the key you entered is not in our database or the format is wrong.
  • Invalid computer code – that means the computer hardware ID format is incorrect.
  • This key was deactivated and cannot be used again – it means the key you entered is blacklisted.
  • Too many copies are using the same product key – it means you exceeded the maximum number of activations allowed for that key.
  • The current registration key is invalid – means the key was not found in our database
  • The current registration key is not activated – means the key you are trying to deactivate is not active.
  • This key is not valid for this application – it means the key you entered is valid for another product, but not for the current one.
  • This key has expired – it means you are trying to activate a key which expired.
  • This key was issued for a previous version of this application – it means you are trying to activate a key from a previous version of Backup4all

Why do I receive "Invalid Product Key" when activating?

If you receive an "Invalid Product Key" error when you try to activate your license, it means that the entered license does not match the pattern of our valid keys or it's not currently in our database. If you know that you purchased this key from us this might happen because you entered it wrong so please copy/paste the key again and try to re-activate. If it still doesn't work and you have a valid license key, please contact us.

What is "Invalid HWID"?

This error is returned when the hardware on your system is not properly identified due to limited rights of the currently logged in user. Re-login as an administrator user and retry the activation.

Why do I get the error "Sticker blacklisted"?

You receive this error because your license key was manually blacklisted by us. If you believe this was done in error please contact us.

Why do I receive "Too many copies are using the same product key"?

This error is returned when you activate a single license key more than it is allowed to do so. If you purchase a single license you are allowed to activate it on a single computer. When you try to activate it on another computer you'll receive an error. If you want to move your license to another computer, you have to deactivate the license from the old computer before trying to activate it on the new one. Simply uninstalling the program from the old computer won't deactivate the license.

What is "This key has expired"?

This error message is shown for time-limited keys that are set to expire at a certain date once that date is reached. For example, users that need to test our program for more than 30 days can obtain an extra trial key that expands the test period.
Once this message is shown you will have to purchase a license to continue using the application after the license expired.

Why do I receive the error "License issued for previous version"?

You receive this error when you try to activate a license for a previous version of Backup4all. If you want to use and activate the new version, you will have to purchase an upgrade here: